Our vodka is of high quality, while possessing a characteristic vodka taste and aroma. Only high-quality rectified ethyl alcohol “Lux” is used in production.
Лявониха национальная
Vodka "LYAVONIKHA NATIONAL" is a strong alcoholic drink that is produced according to classic recipes using the latest technologies of the 21st century.
Королевский стандарт
Vodka "ROYAL STANDARD" has a balanced taste, with pure tones of alcohol and a soft texture, with distinct grain tones.
Румянцевская классическая
Vodka “RUMYANTSEVSKAYA CLASSIC” was created specifically for connoisseurs of traditions and adherents of classic recipes.
Румянцевская ржаная
Vodka “RUMYANTSEVSKAYA RYE” is a transparent, shiny alcoholic drink with a characteristic vodka taste and aroma.
Румянцевская мягкая
Vodka “RUMYANTSEVSKAYA SOFT” is an excellent product with a mild taste.